Buenos Aires – Feb. 2012 – Day 9

It’s Sunday and a quiet off day. A lot of the shops are closed. We just did some walking around. We went up Florida Street but it was fairly quiet although the weather was nice.

We can’t get the holidays figured out. We are told that this is a holiday weekend. Monday and Tuesday are also holidays. Presumably this has to do with Carnival but Carnival is not hugely celebrated in Buenos Aires like it is in Rio or New Orleans.

Tomorrow it is back to work.


There’s a most amazing tree in the Plaza San Martin. The thing is humungous. Look at the size of the branch to the left.


The branch is so big they have propped it up with a pole.


Now look at how this branch is growing away from the tree. The trunk is to the left.


This is the view from our balcony. We can’t figure out what is going on in this place. The shutters are almost always closed. Occasionally a car with come in or out so there is activity. There are four or five cats running around. Note the security camera above the door. We just refer to it as the KGB Place.

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