Buenos Aires – Feb. 2012 – Day 11

Today was the last day of work on the school project. We were scheduled to work until 1:00 pm. The nuns had planned a barbecue for us at a site away from the school as an ending celebration. Of course, not everything on our list was completed but we left money behind so that our objectives could be completed with local labor. I spent most of the morning finishing and installing the shade canopy over the playground. Somehow, I became the lead guy on the task. Once again, this was one of those tasks where, when you complete the project you know enough about it to begin to start it. We rushed to get it installed and managed to finish by about 1:30 pm.

The bus took us to a compound that is owned by a private homeowner that lets the nuns use it if they need it. It was a really nice rural place. Not elaborate, but nice. Everything was waiting for us. We were about to experience something amazing.

In recent years there have been three times when I have been overwhelmed. Once was in Ethiopia when the villages turned out to thank us for the water projects. That was the most exotic. The second was in Laos when we had the Buddhist ceremony after working on the school. Today, the nuns arranged a totally overwhelming event of gratitude. It was amazing and humbling. They welcomed us, fed us, wined us an had a thank you ceremony that was sincere and profound. Also, the teachers, translators, cooks and other workers during the week were honored which was something they richly deserved. The outpouring of love, gratitude and affection was unexpected and almost breathtaking.

Numerous times we gathered for group pictures. Several of the participants spoke about what the experience meant to them. This event alone made the whole trip worthwhile.

Yes, we do these projects as tourists. Yet, we leave something permanent behind. Beyond the bricks and mortar and paint we leave some genuine interaction with cultures. An event like we experienced today is not something that a tour operator can contrive or that happens as a regular event. It’s not a theme park or a scripted show. It’s one and done, never to be recreated.

We finally boarded the bus to take us back to the hotel. As we were about ready to leave a nun came on the bus and said that they needed one more picture. We got off one at a time and it was like a Broadway stage call. They were applauding us individually like stars of a show. I’m not used to that but I will never forget it.

Following are some pictures.


The place where we had the barbecue. That’s Sister Theresa, the Mother Superior.


This man worked with us during the week. On the last day he wasn’t at the school. We found out that he was the barbeque chef. Oh, was it good!


Two of our translators, Gabi and Dani. They are sisters. To us they are two of the most beautiful women in Argentine. Gabi and Dani, thank you for being who you are!


A photo with the nuns. God bless all of you!

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