Vientiane, Laos – Jan. 31 – Day 10

We picked up with the work project this morning. Over the weekend the locals continued work on the additional classrooms. They have really shown a vested interest in the project.

I and Raymond Chew continued work on the playground. It has become our project and it is moving right along. To show some realizable progress we completed the swings. This was major. From the time that we set them up to the time we left they were utilized every minute. The kids love them. When we arrived at the site this morning the kids were climbing all over the playground. It was heartwarming to see some very visible results of our efforts.

Time is running short. We only have one full day of work left. We can get the core of the playground completed. Hopefully, the locals will work to expand it so it can be fully utilized.

The others are making good progress on painting and refurbishing the classrooms. We will leave this school in far better shape than we found it.

By the way, our lunches are prepared by the locals. They cook rice, stir-fry vegetables, make shish-kabobs, prepare coconuts so we can drink the milk and make sure we have enough food. I’m sure they enjoy the leftovers. To some degree there is a festive spirit to all of the activity.

The weather has been great! Not too hot, no rain and a nice humidity level. From what I get on the internet, we don’t miss the mess that is going on back home.


A roadside business where they cut, spit and weave bamboo. We purchased bamboo matting there for the sides of the old rice shed we are restoring. The rice shed has been used as a classroom.

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