Vientiane, Laos – Feb. 3 – Day 13

It is Tet (Chinese New Year) yet you would hardly know it here in Laos. In Vietnam it is a huge holiday. Nearly everything closes down. Here in Vientiane things look quite normal. Many of the Chinese owned businesses are closed but most everything else is open. Last night you could hear a few isolated fireworks but there was not an air of celebration.

Today is a free day for us. We had a short meeting with the CRS country representative, Sarah Alexander, to wrap up our involvement in the project. Sarah has been wonderful. She was the perfect person to coordinate the first CRS project of this type. She attended to all details and, responded to our needs and requests, and understood what it was we wanted to accomplish. She wasn’t one to tell us why we couldn’t do something, she was one to make every effort to help us do what we set out to do. The synergy throughout the project was amazing.

After meeting with Sarah we met with Chit who will be our guide through the bicycling portion of the trip. We will leave Vientiane at 8:00 am tomorrow and begin our “vacation”. We are very interested to start traversing rural Laos. For all it’s limitations, there is something very charming and very genuine about this country.

We are anxious to begin the second half of the adventure.


The Buddhist temple that is the most prominent site in Vientiane. It is said to contain a bone of Budda. It is the centerpiece for festivals. It is quite beautiful.

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One Response to Vientiane, Laos – Feb. 3 – Day 13

  1. Harry Haines says:

    Best wishes as you hit the bike trail. And congratulations on the good works in Laos. Love the photos! Back home, we’re stuck in snow and ice, so the photos are especially welcome. Be safe as you continue your journey.

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